Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I have recently acquired all the supplies to start my own screen printing work space that I am operating in 3/4 of my bedroom in my parent's basement. It has been a lot of trial and error. By the fickle finger of luck the first two screens I burnt came out beautifully. The next SEVEN have been a slew of frustrating sticky pink emulsion wrinkling up, washing off, and coating my carpet in suspicious droplets of pink and red goo in every direction. It could be a number of different things: the emulsion is too thick, the emulsion isn't dry enough, the burn time is too short, the burnt time is too long, the screen wasn't stored properly, the screen was exposed from ambient light, the pressure from the hose is too great, etc. 

In my eighth attempt this morning, I changed all the variables at once! With the screen that I spread a thin coat of emulsion on two days ago I burnt the image for ten and a half minutes with double backed transparencies and a cloth underneath the screen to absorb any reflecting light, spritzed with water to stop the reaction, and then rinsed outside with the hose set on center. It appears too good to be true. I could have used cleaner transparencies. 

Otherwise I've been doing this: